
🔋 Our SparkShare Installer and Solar Installer Partners 🌞

By, Lea Grbavica
  • 20 velj, 2025
  • 0 Comment

After the successful seminar and webinar, we would like to thank our installation partners who are responsible for the installation of our SparkShareBoxEV devices. 💡 Their expertise and dedication make it possible to easily set up our devices on-site, allowing users to immediately start taking advantage of all the benefits of our electric vehicle system. 🚗⚡

Our partners cover the entire Croatia and part of Slovenia, ensuring a wide availability of our system for users in the region. 🌍

Here are our valued partners:

🔹 Epik d.o.o.
🔹 Davel d.o.o.
🔹 Solarni grad d.o.o.
🔹 D-ell synergy d.o.o.
🔹 Jure d.o.o.
🔹 Silvio d.o.o.

We thank all our partners for their commitment and professionalism in installing our devices, enabling users to fully utilize the advantages of our innovative solutions. 🌍💚

We continue our collaboration and work on expanding the network, and each of their efforts contributes to a better and more sustainable energy future. 🚀

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