The increase in the number of electric vehicles poses a challenge for all local authorities as there is a need to ensure a certain number of public charging spots. However, this is not just a challenge but also an opportunity for local authorities and public lighting managers (who already have several power outlets at every parking lot):

  • By supplying electric energy to vehicles parked during the day or night, additional revenue is generated, enabling full coverage of current public lighting costs. This transforms public lighting from a cost item into a profitable component for managers and local authorities.
  • The Sparkshare solution enables optimal distribution of defined available energy based on the number of connected vehicles.
  • All public lighting fixtures become “smart,” allowing for the definition of various parameters and inputs determining when the public lighting will be turned on and at what intensity.
  • Management of total energy consumption allows for the installation of SparkShareBOXes, enabling vehicles to use only the available energy after the public lighting has consumed its share (or based on the total reserved energy for that day).
  • All of this is overseen by the Sparkshare AI system, which can be integrated with ERP and other management systems via API interfaces.